Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Aircraft Brake Pad Material Composition

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R. Suthan
K. Sridhar
P. Sivakumar
G. Ram Vishal
H.V. Srikanth
B.E. Bhaskar


In the field of aviation industry, the aircraft braking system serves for ground taxing operation, ability to hold the aircraft at full static run-up and to stop the aircraft during landing. As usage of braking system increases, the frictional parts of the braking system undergo wear when it contacts with the rotor disc. To optimize the reliability of brake pads, finding suitable material is essential. This work is carried out to make a better frictional material with superior mechanical properties to sustain the environment. Identification of suitable composition was found satisfactory with help of adding and removing the set of constituent materials. Six sample brake pads with different materials and numerous compositions were manufactured through the powder metallurgy process. The necessary machining operations were performed to get a required shape. Theoretical calculations and analysis were done to establish the enhanced mechanical properties including wear and hardness. It was observed that samples 1 and 3 have better wear resistance and wear rate for different loading conditions.

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