Editorial Team
Editorial board: 2023-2026Editors: |
Prof. Anindya DebCentre for Product Design & Manufacturing Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India |
Dr. Vijayakumar SahadevanFilton Engineering Centre GKN Aerospace, Filton, UK |
Members: |
Dr. Oluremi A. OlatunbosunSchool of Mech. Engg. University of Birmingham, UK |
Prof. Seyed M. HashemiDept. of Aerospace Engg. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada |
Prof. Chiara BisagniProf. Aerospace Structures Delft University of Tech., Netherlands |
Dr. Suresh Chandra PradhanDept. of Aerospace Engg. Indian Institute of Technology West Bengal, India |
Dr. Davood YounesianSchool of Railway Engg. Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran |
Prof. David HuiDept. of Mechanical Engg. University of New Orleans Louisiana, USA |
Prof. Ramana V. GrandhiMech. and Materials Engg. Wright State University Dayton, Ohio, USA |
Prof. Maria Jesus Lopez BoadaResearch Institute of Vehicle Safety Carlos III University Leganes, Madrid, Spain |
Prof. Ranjan GanguliDept. of Aerospace Engg. Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, India |
Dr. Zhan KangFaculty of Vehicle Engg. and Mechanics Dalian University of Technology Dalian, China |
Dr. Miroslaw MrzyglodInstitute of Rail Vehicles Cracow University of Technology Cracow, Poland |
Dr. Ahmed ElmarakbiAutomotive Engg. and Design University of Sunderland Sunderland, UK |
Dr. Ren-Jye YangResearch & Advanced Engg. Ford Motor Company, Deaborn, USA |
Dr. Jie YangDept. of Automotive and Mech. Engg. Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech. University Victoria, Australia |
Prof. Yucheng LiuMech. Engg. Dept. University of Louisiana Lafayette, USA |
Prof. Ponnambalam BaskaranDept. of Aeronautical Engg. Tagore Engg. College Vandalur, Chennai, India |
Prof. Guoxing LuSchool of Mech. and Aerospace Engg. Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Prof. Beatriz Lopez BoadaResearch Institute of Vehicle Safety Carlos III University Leganes , Madrid, Spain |
Dr. Sathya P. MangalaramananAdvanced Engg. Ashok Leyland Limited Vellivoyal Chavadi, Chennai, India |
Dr. Md. Mustafizur RahmanFaculty of Mech. Engg. University of Malaysia Pahang Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia |
Dr. Bing-Rong MiaoState Key Lab of Traction Power Southwest Jiaotong University SiChuan, China |
Dr. Atanas PopovMechanics, Materials and Structures University of Nottingham, UK |
Mr. Francisco Kioshi ArakakiStructures Dept., Embraer Limited Sao Jose dos Campos - SP, Brazil |
Dr. Prakash G. BharatiGeneral Motors Research & Development Bengaluru, India |
Dr. Badari Narayana KanthetiDept. of Mechanical Engg. BMS Institute of Tech., Bengaluru, India |
Dr. Om Prakash SinghTVS Motor Company Ltd Hosur, India |
Dr. Raj C. ThiagarajanATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd Bengaluru, India |
Dr. Aylin Yenilmez-GurkokDept. of Mech. Engg. Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey |
Prof. Muhamad Mat NoorFaculty of Mech. Engg. University of Malaysia Pahang Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia |
Dr. Nuno SilvestreDept. of Structural Mech. and Structures, DECivil-IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Prof. William AltenhofDept. of Mech., Auto., & Mat. Engg. University of Windsor, Canada |
Dr. Abd Rahim Abu BakarDept. Auto. Engg., Faculty of Mech. Engg. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia |
Prof. Debabrata SenDept. Ocean Engg. & Naval Architecture Indian Institute of Tech., Kharagpur, India |
Prof. Subramaniam SenthilvelanDept. of Mech. Engg. Dr. MGR University, Chennai, India |
Dr. Senthil Kumar KrishnababuSiemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd. Lincoln, UK |
Prof. R.C. SharmaMaharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, India |
Prof. J. Gary HawleyFaculty of Engineering & Design University of Bath, UK |
Dr. Pengjun ZhengTransportation Research Group University of Southampton, UK |
Dr. Sonjoy DasDept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA |
Dr. Kalyan HazraNational Composites Centre Bristol, UK |
Dr. Dhananjay Madhukar KulkarniDept. of Mech. Engg., Birla Institute of Technology & Science - Pilani, Goa, India. |
Mr. Kiran Kumar KanimetlaAero-Thermal & Product Development Darchem Engg., Stockton-on-Tees, UK |