Editorial board: 2023-2026


Prof. Anindya Deb

Centre for Product Design & Manufacturing

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India

Dr. Vijayakumar Sahadevan

Filton Engineering Centre

GKN Aerospace, Filton, UK


Dr. Oluremi A. Olatunbosun

School of Mech. Engg.

University of Birmingham, UK

Prof. Seyed M. Hashemi

Dept. of Aerospace Engg.

Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

Prof. Chiara Bisagni

Prof. Aerospace Structures

Delft University of Tech., Netherlands

Dr. Suresh Chandra Pradhan

Dept. of Aerospace Engg.

Indian Institute of Technology

West Bengal, India

Dr. Davood Younesian

School of Railway Engg.

Iran University of Science and Technology

Tehran, Iran

Prof. David Hui

Dept. of Mechanical Engg.

University of New Orleans

Louisiana, USA

Prof. Ramana V. Grandhi

Mech. and Materials Engg.

Wright State University

Dayton, Ohio, USA

Prof. Maria Jesus Lopez Boada

Research Institute of Vehicle Safety

Carlos III University

Leganes, Madrid, Spain

Prof. Ranjan Ganguli

Dept. of Aerospace Engg.

Indian Institute of Science

Bengaluru, India

Dr. Zhan Kang

Faculty of Vehicle Engg. and Mechanics

Dalian University of Technology

Dalian, China

Dr. Miroslaw Mrzyglod

Institute of Rail Vehicles

Cracow University of Technology

Cracow, Poland

Dr. Ahmed Elmarakbi

Automotive Engg. and Design

University of Sunderland

Sunderland, UK

Dr. Ren-Jye Yang

Research & Advanced Engg.

Ford Motor Company,

Deaborn, USA

Dr. Jie Yang

Dept. of Automotive and Mech. Engg.

Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech. University

Victoria, Australia

Prof. Yucheng Liu

Mech. Engg. Dept.

University of Louisiana

Lafayette, USA

Prof. Ponnambalam Baskaran

Dept. of Aeronautical Engg.

Tagore Engg. College

Vandalur, Chennai, India

Prof. Guoxing Lu

School of Mech. and Aerospace Engg.

Nanyang Technological University


Prof. Beatriz Lopez Boada

Research Institute of Vehicle Safety

Carlos III University

Leganes , Madrid, Spain

Dr. Sathya P. Mangalaramanan

Advanced Engg.

Ashok Leyland Limited

Vellivoyal Chavadi, Chennai, India

Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman

Faculty of Mech. Engg.

University of Malaysia Pahang

Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

Dr. Bing-Rong Miao

State Key Lab of Traction Power

Southwest Jiaotong University

SiChuan, China

Dr. Atanas Popov

Mechanics, Materials and Structures

University of Nottingham, UK

Mr. Francisco Kioshi Arakaki

Structures Dept., Embraer Limited

Sao Jose dos Campos - SP, Brazil

Dr. Prakash G. Bharati

General Motors Research & Development

Bengaluru, India

Dr. Badari Narayana Kantheti

Dept. of Mechanical Engg.

BMS Institute of Tech., Bengaluru, India

Dr. Om Prakash Singh

TVS Motor Company Ltd

Hosur, India

Dr. Raj C. Thiagarajan

ATOA Scientific Technologies Pvt Ltd Bengaluru, India

Dr. Aylin Yenilmez-Gurkok

Dept. of Mech. Engg.

Istanbul Technical University

Istanbul, Turkey

Prof. Muhamad Mat Noor

Faculty of Mech. Engg.

University of Malaysia Pahang

Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

Dr. Nuno Silvestre

Dept. of Structural Mech. and Structures, DECivil-IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Prof. William Altenhof

Dept. of Mech., Auto., & Mat. Engg.

University of Windsor, Canada

Dr. Abd Rahim Abu Bakar

Dept. Auto. Engg., Faculty of Mech. Engg.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Prof. Debabrata Sen

Dept. Ocean Engg. & Naval Architecture

Indian Institute of Tech., Kharagpur, India

Prof. Subramaniam Senthilvelan

Dept. of Mech. Engg.

Dr.  MGR University, Chennai, India

Dr. Senthil Kumar Krishnababu

Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd.

Lincoln, UK

Prof. R.C. Sharma

Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, India

Prof. J. Gary Hawley

Faculty of Engineering & Design

University of Bath, UK

Dr. Pengjun Zheng

Transportation Research Group

University of Southampton, UK

Dr. Sonjoy Das

Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, USA

Dr. Kalyan Hazra

National Composites Centre

Bristol, UK

Dr. Dhananjay Madhukar Kulkarni

Dept. of Mech. Engg., Birla Institute of Technology & Science - Pilani, Goa, India.

Mr. Kiran Kumar Kanimetla

Aero-Thermal & Product Development

Darchem Engg., Stockton-on-Tees, UK