Performance Characteristics of C.I. Engine with Bio-diesel Blends of Jatropha, Soya Bean Oil and Waste Cooking Oil at Fixed Compression Ratio

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Dinesh Ramchandani
Yogendra Rathore
R.K. Pandey


In this paper raw oil (jatropha, soybean and waste cooking fuel) is taken as potential alternative fuel for C.I. engines. The best distinction between these 3 kinds of oils and diesel fuel is viciousness. Every vegetable oil is blended with diesel in variable proportion (20% - 50%). Two sets of experiments are conducted for every fuel blend. First experiment is focussed on a performance check for pure diesel fuel. Second experiment is focussed on a performance check using many blends for each of Jatropha-diesel, soybean-diesel and waste cooking oil-diesel at fixed compression ratio of 18. The results of performance characteristics such as brake specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency for every vegetable oil-diesel blends are compared with that using diesel fuel alone.

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