Dynamic Analysis of Linke Hofmann Busch Coach and Determination of its Sensitive Design Parameters Considering Suspended Equipments

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S.D. Singh
Rakesh Mathur
R.K. Srivastava


This study aims at dynamic behaviour of a Linke Hofmann Busch coach and its sensitive parameters against track irregularities considering various suspended equipment. The randomly distributed track irregularities characterized in terms of Indian Rail Road PSD standard are considered main source of excitation that produces undesired vibrations. The coach body and bogie frame subjected to 4 degree of freedom motions (bounce, lateral, roll and pitch) are modelled using finite element methodology where system matrices such as mass, stiffness and damping matrices are obtained for eigenvalue solution. Using modal parameters obtained as above and PSD of track irregularities, both vertical and lateral mean square acceleration responses (MSAR) are determined at various points of concern on coach body. It is observed that the vertical peak responses occur in low frequency range (0-10 Hz) which is caused by long wavelength irregularities of track that causes discomfort. It is also observed that constant peak lateral responses occur at still lower frequency as compared to vertical response which again causes discomfort to vehicle riders. This concludes that there is a further scope of improvement in comfort level with minor adjustments of suspended equipment of a LHB coach. A sensitivity analysis based on the partial derivatives against FRF displacement is conducted and most sensitive design parameters are obtained for optimization to improve ride comfort. It is suggested that if the mass of bio toilet tanks and relative position of battery box + transformer unit i.e. most sensitive parameters of suspended equipment are changed then the ride comfort can be improved

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