Investigation of Tensile Properties of Carbon/Epoxy Composite Joints with and without Carbon Nano-Tubes

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R. Amit Kumar
R. Asokan
Kanu Priya Jhanji
Debajit Das
N. Vishnu Sai


The intent of this project is to determine the tensile strength of CFRP lap joint with and without introduction of multiwall carbon nano tubes (MWCNT). Specimens with lap joint were prepared by Adhesive bonding. The dimensions of the specimens were kept according to the ASTM standard D-5868. An experimental work along with FEA analysis was undertaken to identify the ultimate tensile strength and modes of failure in two different categories of adhesively bonded specimen, firstly with inclusion of different percentages of MWCNT and secondly without inclusion of MWCNT. MWCNT of 0.1% and 0.3% by weight was added to the adhesive used in creating the joint. The adhesively bonded specimens with inclusion of MWCNT showed better load bearing capacity, the highest being 86% for 0.3% MWCNT. An increment of 27% was observed in the tensile strength with the increase in percentage of MWCNT. Further the FEA analysis was carried out which proved the experimental results are well within the error range of 1%.

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