Topology Optimization for Diffusive Heat Transfer in a Domain with Internal Heat Generation using Optimality Criteria

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T. Anupkumar
Noble Sharma
A. Srinath
G. Satya Dileep


The standard volume to point heat conduction problem is used to determine the optimal topology that maximises the heat transfer. Unlike the constructed theory, the present investigation considers heat dissipation potential function as the objective function, whose gradient field is taken as the criterion for allocation of the limited amount of high conductivity material over the domain. The considered domain is rectangular in geometry, where all its sides are insulated except a centrally located patch on one of the sides, which is maintained at a constant temperature. FEM is used to compute the temperature and it is supplied to the topology optimization algorithm to determine the distribution of material with varied thermal conductivity over the domain. Grid independency is performed for five different grid sizes varying from 10x10 to 90x90. The variation of computation time and objective function with mesh refinement is reported.

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