Effect of Tribological Behaviours on Laser Surface Textured Hard Forged Steel

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R. Ravichandran
M. Duraiselvam
F. Peter Prakash


The wear characteristics of untextured and Laser Surface Textured (LST) hard forged steel samples were dissected using a Pin-On-Disc Tribometer. In this analysis, the input parameters such as sliding distance, sliding velocity and applied load were selected as experiment parameters. Before LST, the forged steel was hardened at a high temperature of around 900ºC to 1400ºC followed by a rapid cooling process which causes the iron atoms to change their position with metal lattice as martensite. The characterization was carried out on an optical microscope (OM) and white light interferometer (WLI). The results showed that the LST samples have minimum wear rate of 2.7410-4 to 4.3910-4 mm3/m and co-efficient of friction of 0.22 to 0.44 compared to untextured samples.

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