Performance and Emission Characteristics of Hybrid Biofuels in DI Diesel Engine

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H. Arunkumar
S.H. Manjunath
N. Varunkumar Reddy


Rubber seed oil (RSO), derived from the seeds of Hevea brasiliensis, is an exciting alternative with great potential for use in biodiesel production. Furthermore, it can be injected directly into an internal combustion engine, blended with diesel derived from fossil fuels. The present work deals with the potential estimation of waste cooking oil (WCO) bio diesel and RSO biodiesel, characterization of biodiesel, performance and exhaust analysis of biodiesel blends in DI diesel engine. The best results in terms of performance and emission are obtained for B10 blend which resulted in highest brake thermal efficiency of 19.2 % at 80% loading. The NOx emissions are maximum for B20 blend.

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