Application of TOPSIS Method for Prediction of Optimum Design Parameters of Micro Hole Textured Cutting Inserts in Turning of Al-MMC

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S. Devaraj
M. Ramakrishna
B. Singaravel


Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) has better mechanical properties and it is possible to produce near net shape. Aluminum-based MMC (Al-MMC) has challenges in terms of machinability studies and estimation of its optimum process parameters. Alternative cutting fluid research is a challenging area in machining. To avoid, existing hydrocarbon oil-based cutting fluid, textured inserts embedded with a solid lubricant are one of the alternative solutions. Micro hole textured inserts make a hole on the rake face of the cutting tool inserts. Texture includes various important design parameters namely hole diameter, hole depth and pitch between the holes. These optimum parameters influence the machining process. In this work, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is used to find the optimum design parameters (hole diameter, hole depth and pitch between holes) during turning of Al- MMC. The objective parameters considered are minimization of surface roughness, power consumption and tool flank wear. The optimum combination of these design parameters is obtained by the higher relative closeness value of the TOPSIS method. The result of the investigation revealed that these design parameters are important to obtain improved machining performance. Also, it is understood that the TOPSIS method has an appropriate procedure to solve multiple objective optimization problems in manufacturing industries.

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