Experimental Investigation of TIG Welding Parameters and Weld Joint Strength for Carbon Steel - SA516GR70 Material based on Taguchi Method

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Santosh S. Amarapure
Ratan A. Patil


This study focuses on experimental study of mechanical characterisation for the carbon steel material SA516GR70, steel alloy welds through tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process used for the applications of pressure vessel and heat exchanger. Current work describes the preparation of test coupons which is used for sample preparation of tensile, bending and hardness test. Welding process parameters optimization is carried out using Taguchi method for the carbon steel weld material to improve the properties. Using the orthogonal array, experiments are setup and weld joint obtained is used for mechanical testing. Graphs are obtained from the full factorial design using the Mini tab software which is helpful in studying the effects of the parameters on properties. Interpretation of the statistic for various parameters is analysed and the coefficients are determined. Main effects plot, interaction plot and residual plots are plotted which reveal that model fits the data with the average acceptance level of 91.85%.

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