Experimental Investigation on Low-Velocity Impact Strength of E-Glass/Carbon Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composite

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Manu Prasad
Nayeem Ahmed
Azeem Pasha
A.C. Manjunath


Plenty of research works has happened on the polymer matrix composite with different fiber as reinforcements from last 3 decades to satisfy aerospace, automotive, marine and military and defence industries requirements. Although, several reinforcements materials like glass fiber, carbon fiber, Kevlar fiber, etc. are used in the development of advanced materials, producing efficient and high-performance material has become a primary requirement of the industries and this had led to research and designing of hybrid composites. In this work, E glass/carbon fiber reinforced epoxy 5052 polymer matrix composite is prepared by vacuum bag moulding technique with varying the thicknesses from 2mm, 3mm to 4mm. A low-velocity impact test is conducted for the composite laminates for different impact energies. The force-time relationship is studied. The decrement in contact time and increment in peak force is noticed with an increase in the thickness of the composite laminates. Ultra-sonic scanning is also performed to understand the delamination at the damaged area.

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