Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al6061 - Reinforcement with Graphite and Palm Stalk Ash

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T. Nithyanandhan
N. Mohanraj
P. Sureshkumar
S. Sanjeev


In this research an attempt is made to improve and to examine the wear behaviour of AL6061 composite with two different fillers such as graphite by adding the reinforcement particles of palm stalk ashes. AL6061 composite is developed on a metal matrix composite with the weight percentage of graphite (0.7 %) which is kept constant for all specimens and the reinforcement of palm stalk ash is varied as a percentage of weight (0.7%, 1.4%, 2.1%, 2.8% and 3.5%). Reinforced composites were preheated in the electrical furnace at 150°C for about an hour to remove the moisture. The reinforcement was added into molten aluminium into the stir casting furnace. The wear behaviour and corrosion rate of fabricated AL6061 metal composite reinforced with different dissipate materials were studied.

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