Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Fabricated Aluminium 5000 Series using Finite Element and Artificial Intelligence Methods

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Sasidhar Gurugubelli
Vinod Babu Chintada
Rama Bhadri Raju Chekuri


The analysis of experimental and simulation findings of an aluminium alloy using finite element and artificial intelligence approaches is compared in this paper. The magnesium content in aluminium-magnesium alloys ranges from 0.5 to 13%, with other elements added in lower amounts. The purpose of this work is to manufacture aluminium alloy in a well-equipped furnace under the proper thermal circumstances to reach the required temperature and then to sand cast aluminium alloy (5000 series) to acquire the desired specimen. The specimens were made using varying quantities of aluminium 88% and magnesium 12% by weight fraction. When it comes to strength testing, the most common one is the static tensile test, which was computer-simulated in this work using Python and the design tool Ansys. Results from the computer simulations were compared to those from the tensile tests and they were determined to be equivalent. In spite of this, computer simulations and artificial intelligence are feasible alternatives to time-consuming and costly laboratory experiments.

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