Performance and Emissions Analysis of Juliflora Biodiesel Blends in Conventional and Low Heat Rejection Engines with Nano TiO2 Coated Cylinder

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S. Vijaya Kumar Reddy
S.R. Premkartikkumar


This study explores the performance and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with blends of Juliflora biodiesel, specifically B10, B20, and B30, both with and without a nano titanium dioxide (TiO2) coated cylinder. The results clearly demonstrate that blending Juliflora biodiesel at a 20% ratio (B20) leads to enhanced engine efficiency compared to using pure diesel fuel. Specifically, B20 exhibits a remarkable 9.03% improvement in Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) over pure diesel operation without the coated cylinder, whereas, with the coated cylinder, B20 displays an even more significant increase in BTE of around 10.23% compared to pure diesel operation. Furthermore, when employing a nano TiO2 coated cylinder with the B30 blend (30% Juliflora biodiesel), notable reductions in emissions are being observe with the exception of nitrogen oxides (NOx). These findings underscore the potential advantages of utilizing Juliflora biodiesel blends in combination with a Nano TiO2 coated cylinder to improve engine performance and decrease emissions. This advancement offers promising prospects for a more sustainable and eco-friendly transportation sector.

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