Deposition and Characterization of Multi-Layer Hard-Facing Chromium on Ferrous Substrate

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B. Venkatesh
C. Anil Kumar Reddy
M. Srivani
S.S. Basha
P. Shravan Chetan
T.V.S. Narendra


In order to achieve combinations of hardness and bond strength, a multilayer graded coating is one that continuously changes composition from substrate to surface, especially preferable for automotive sector to enhance hardness of automobile components. The microstructure, content, and porosity distribution of the gradients can all vary continuously. These graded coatings are superior to homogenous materials made of same elements because they were specifically created with the goal of improving performance. Improvements in toughness, wear resistance, and thermal characteristics, as well as a large decrease in residual stress, are all benefits of graded coating over typical monolithic coating systems. The current experiment aims to investigate the oxidation behaviour of graded Fe-Cr alloy layers at high temperatures. To do that, a gradated Fe-Cr layer was added to mild steel using the TIG welding technique. Hard-faced Fe-Cr alloy on mild steel was oxidized at elevated temperatures up to 973 K. The mechanical properties of these alloys are evaluated at various temperatures can serve various automotive applications. The dependence of the oxidation rate has been investigated for various test temperatures. In the experimental setting, metal oxidation is prevalent. However, oxidation at higher temperatures is distinguished by the development of a mixed layer.

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