Experimental Investigation on TIG Welded Copper B370 and Stainless Steel 434

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C. Sairam
S. Guhan Balaji
Adarsh A. Menon
I. Manikandan


An experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of copper B370 and stainless steel 434 dissimilar welded joints is presented in this paper. In this study the TIG welding of dissimilar copper B370 and stainless steel 434 welded joint were made of 100 × 50mm plates with silicon bronze as filler then investigated under orthogonal array of L9 experiments. From the experimental study it is concluded that maximum Vickers hardness of 110 and tensile strength of 238.21MPa can be achieved with a process parameters combination of 130 amps of welding current, 60 IPM of feed rate and 15V of voltage for the welding joint. By using the regression equation, this sample has shown the greatest strength of 233.35 MPa with an error percentage of 2.04% compared with experimental result. Microstructure examination revealed that the base of copper B370 and base of stainless steel 434 has twin alpha grain and twin austenite grain respectively. Heat affected zone of copper B370 and stainless steel revealed that both has complete fusion between the weld and base metal. Welding zone reveals Cu-Fe-Mn eutectic particles in the matrix of Cu solid solution.

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