Conceptual Development of Internet of Things Enabled Automatic Safety Valve for Fluids and Gases Leakage Detection

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M. Balasubramanian
P.K. Devan
G.V. Hariharan
S. Murali
K. Karthick


The article aims to overcome the accidents that occur due to the leakage of flammable gas and petroleum products by arresting the gas and oil using a solenoid. This work is based on Internet of Things (IOT) and it uses a Linkit board which is an open-source platform for prototyping wearables and IOT devices. A string of sensors is arranged across the pipeline at certain intervals based on the range of the sensor. By using wifi, signals are transmitted and the sensor used is a wireless one. It is programmed that the solenoid receives a power supply only if the sensor detects the leakage. The leakage can be detected and arrested using this method. It is an ingenious method to arrest the leakage and avoid accidents. A GPS location chip is installed through which the location of leakage can be identified. Message alerts and calls are sent regarding the leakage and the whole plant is made to shut down our product works on a closed-loop system, so the chance of error is avoided.

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