Analysing the Efficiency and Emissions of a Gasoline Engine Running on a Blend of Ethanol and Butanol Fuel

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Anjali A. Bhadre
Harshvardhan P. Ghongade
Harshal S. Rane
Subodh A. Shirsath
Dipak S. Patil


The growing population has led to an increase in the number of vehicles and thus demand for fuel, resulting in poor atmospheric conditions and increasing pollution. Carbon emission regulations, increasing pollution and depleting fossil fuel supplies have all contributed to developing sustainable fuels generated from renewable resources. The use of biofuels as alternative energy sources has gained attention recently. Blending biofuels with gasoline is one strategy to consider in the search for a new energy source. An essential class of biofuels is alcohol, such as butanol. Many of the disadvantages of ethanol are absent with butanol. As butanol has a greater molecular weight than ethanol, it also has a lower vapour pressure, lower solubility in water and a higher energy density.

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