Application of Solid Lubrication and Evaluation of its Performance in Turning of Nano Particle Embedded Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites

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Ch. Saikrupa
G. Chandramohan Reddy
Sriram Venkatesh


The intensive application of cutting is crucial in the process of machining performance for removing the heat generated during metal cutting. At the same time, it generates issues related to environmental as well as operator heat. The selection of an alternative cutting condition and its performance analysis are an important task. Two different techniques employed in solid lubrication includes in this work, namely manual filling and supply using devices. Multi walled Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) embedded Aluminium based Metal Matrix Composite (Al-MMC) is used as work piece. The texture on the rake face of the cutting tool inserts serves a purpose in solid lubrication. Electromagnetic stir casting is used for composite preparation and Electrical Discharge Drilling (EDD) was used for texture preparation. Experiments are executed with the help of Taguchi design of experiments. The findings indicated that the solid lubrication performance is comparatively better with device supply mode than manual mode of supply. Supply of solid lubrication using device is noticed that better surface quality due to continuous storage and uniform supply.

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