Comparison of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from a Vertical Cylinder Fitted with Annular Step Fins and Annular Triangular Fins

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Shubham Verma
Harishchandra Thakur


Natural convection heat transfer from a vertical cylinder with annular step and triangular fins has been studied numerically at various Rayleigh numbers within the laminar range. The computations were carried at constant fin spacing to tube diameter ratio of 1. In the current study, numerical simulations of Navier-Stokes equation supported with the energy equation are conducted for a vertical cylinder with annular step fins as well as triangular annular fins using the algebraic multi-grid solver of Fluent 15. With an increase in Rayleigh number, we’ve discovered a trend that the surface Nusselt number goes on increasing with comparison from a simple rectangular fin. Apart from this, the material needed for the step and triangular fins has been reduced with enhancements in the heat transfers.

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