Aerodynamic Behaviour of Dimpled NACA0012 Airfoil for Various Angles of Attack: Technical Note

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P. Booma Devi
R. Gokulnath
D. Raja Joseph
V. Paulson


The use of dimpled surface for enhancement of lift is getting popular at recent days. In our previous research [16] we have studied the aerodynamic behaviour of dimpled surface numerically. In this work enhancement of lift without increase in drag on dimpled NACA0012 airfoil were studied experimentally. Dimples of various geometrical structures like square, rectangle and triangular were taken for consideration and underwent computational analysis by developing 3D model using CATIA V5. Flow analysis was done using ANSYS CFX. Based on the computational results, square dimple was chosen as the best and considered for the experimental work. It was found that the deviation between the computational simulation and experimental results were within 0.5%.

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