Evaluation of Favourable Blending and Their Properties of Eucalyptus Biodiesel

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N.S. Senthur
S. Divakara
M. Maheshkumar


Oils are categorized as either edible or non-edible. One among the category that cannot be used for cooking is eucalyptus that is amply available within India. The eucalyptus oil is an excellent input for green fuel; the core of the eucalyptus tree has around 35 to 40 percentage of oil content in it. This paper describes the process involved in preparing green fuel from eucalyptus oil by using a trans-esterification method, before starting with the method varied characteristics of eucalyptus green fuel has been examined. It has been discovered that physico-chemical characteristics of the eucalyptus oil is within the range of the standards that have been set by different countries. Eucalyptus oil 40.4 saturated fatty acid 59.6% of unsaturated fatty acid. The sticky nature of the raw eucalyptus decreases posts trans-esterification, but still it is high when compared with mineral diesel. Other characteristics of cloud and pour point, cold filter plugging point (CFPP) are high than diesel. Eucalyptus green fuel mixed with diesel in various proportions. The characteristics of green fuel have been assessed alongside the related criterions. Resultant of the calculation shows that the constant value of the regression is high amongst green fuel characteristics and proportion of the blend. It has been concluded that the best proportion of blend can be up to the extent of 0.3 i.e., 30 percentages after taking into consideration the value of cold filter plugging point.

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