Study of Adiabatic Flame Temperature of a Jet Combustor using a Non-Circular Inlet

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D. Singh Chand
S. Parveen
P. Singh


An experimental investigation on heat transfer at various zones of the combustion chamber has been carried out using a non-circular inlet at the flame tube. With an aim to improve the turbulent level in flow, the non-circular section used here is an elliptical one. In addition to this, two rectangular tabs are placed at major axis of the ellipse to achieve an efficient mixing of fuel and air. Fuel used for combustion is kerosene while LPG gas is used for pre ignition. Fuel is fed to the chamber by gravity system and it has been atomized by two fish tank pumps. Ignition of the fuel is done by spark plug with a separate setup. The setup comprises of growler and CDI coil which are powered electrically. During the experiment, combustion has been initiated by allowing the air from blower to the chamber. The fuel is sprayed into the flame tube through fuel injector placed at a specified distance. After the proper mixing of fuel and air, the mixture is ignited by spark plug setup. Initially LPG gas was used for preheating followed by kerosene for combustion. Fuel tank has been calibrated for mass flow rate. The experiment has been carried out for different intervals of time and the heat transferred from the flame tube wall and chamber wall is been measured using an infrared gun (ray gun) by pointing laser on the wall. The temperatures at different zones have been measured. It is seen that the overall heat transfer at secondary zone is minimum when compared with other zones for the same period of time. This indicates that if the fuel injector is placed before the secondary zone, then a maximum flame temperature can be obtained. This leads to an improvement in efficiency of the combustion chamber.

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