Minimization of Water Consumption for a Typical Water Transportation System using Reversed Wave Energy Converter Principle

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Jaikumar Mayakrishnan
S. Arulanantha Samy


This paper demonstrates the application of the principle of reversed wave energy converter for the study of a new type of water transportation that facilitates lowering water consumption depends upon the payload. This research sets a new platform, where the fluid-based transportation system comes with the help of open-bottomed air vessels attached to the floating vessel. The fluids are having different densities such as water and air represented as the compliant materials used for the investigation of the damping curves of the fluid-based transportation system within the applied boundary conditions using the Matlab/Simulink. Depending on the payload requirement, the air vessel determines low water consumption as an alternative to the buoyancy-based water vehicles. The principle of reversed wave energy converter develops the lateral water pressure that helps to minimize the total resistance force and this is identified as the significant feature of the fluid-based transportation system.

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