Experimental Investigation and Performance Characteristics of Ceramic and Gold Coated Modified Piston on Diesel Engine Fuelled with Mahua Oil

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P.C. Aruna Kumara
M. Chandragowda
V.H. Yerrennagoudaru
K. Chandrappa


On description of ever-increasing vehicle population, price tag of petroleum by-products, running down of fossil fuel, ecological consideration and restrictive norms of emission, it is important to search for different fuels on compression ignition (CI) engines. Non edible and edible vegetable oils are considered as very good replacement of diesel, as their properties are almost same to those of diesel and can be used to run on CI engine. At present, a lot of research work is being carried out in the field of alternative fuels with and without modifications of IC engines. In this work, ceramic and gold is coated over modified diesel engine piston and piston liners are coated with ceramic. This acts as a partially semi adiabatic engine that decreases the heat loss and burn high viscous fuels easily. Study has been carried out on the performance and emission characteristics of alternative fuel used in diesel engine. The performance was compared with conventional diesel engine. Experiments results shows that the mahua oil shows better thermal performance characteristics like brake thermal efficiency, brake specific energy consumption and reduction in the emission parameters like CO, HC and decreased smoke. It has also been observed that NOx was increased with increase in load.

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