Investigation of Microstructural, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Al8011-TiC Metal Matrix Nano-Composites

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Ragunath Palanichamy
Jayakumar Lakshmipathy
M. Raju et al


Aluminium alloys reinforced by nanoparticles are widely utilized in space vehicles, automotive components and industrial applications due to the unique characteristic of high stiffness to weight ratio. In this research, aluminium alloy 8011-TiC (Titanium Carbide) composites with a various weight percentage of reinforcement such as 5%, 7% and 9% wt.% were produced through stir casting technique. The contribution and uniform dispersion of TiC nano particles in Al 8011 was investigated through microstructural examination, mechanical and tribological behaviour. To sew up the uniform distribution of reinforcement particles over composite metal matrix alloy was investigated using Scanning and Optical Electron Microscope (OEM and SEM) depiction. The pattern of TiC content in the Al8011 alloy was observed through X-ray diffraction technique. Also, specimens are exposed to wear test as per ASTM G99 standard and the weight loss method is adopted. The result exhibits that tensile, yield strength properties and microhardness of nano-composites particles to about increases by 35%, 170% and 150% respectively. The mechanical properties and wear resistance of 7% TiC yields better results compared with Al 8011 alloy and other compositions of augmentations.

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