Effect of Transformed - Induced Plasticity Steel Plate Thickness on Ultimate Tensile Strength of Butt Welded Joint using Nd:YAG Laser

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Rahul Yadav
Ajitkumar Nimbalkar
Swanand Kirpekar
Prashant J. Patil
Sagar A. Dalvi
Prasad A. Jadhav
Anant Sidhappa Kurhade
Gokul Navnath Wakchaure


This study examined the characteristics of laser-welded joints on Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steel, accounting for the impact of process variables such as laser power, speed and beam angle in relation to plate thickness variability. The parameters of the process have a large effect on the final ultimate tensile strength of the fracture, its maximum extent and elongation. The difference in the ultimate tensile strength for 1 mm plate and 1.5 mm plate decreased to 32.42% and 53.56% compare to 2 mm plate as the power is held at 2200W and velocity at 30 mm/sec and maintained at 90º as a laser incident angle. When the power has dropped to 1800W and laser incident angle has maintained to 80º the same pattern has observed with variation of tensile strength has dropped to 45.81% and 55.81% for 1 mm and 1.5 mm plate thickness with respect to 2 mm plate thickness.

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