Vibration Measurement and Spectral Analysis of Chassis Frame Mounted Structure for Off-Road Wheeled Heavy Vehicles

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V.R. Deulgaonkar


Chassis mounted structure is a base component for shelters or containers mounted on heavy transport vehicles. When the vehicle is driven in rough terrains or during off-road transportation this structure has a significant role in protecting the sophisticated cargo and intelligent tracking systems placed inside the shelters. During off-road transportation or warhead conditions the vehicle is subjected to large unevenness in load due to road or soil irregularities in rough terrains, which causes vibrations to be induced in the vehicle. As the nature of vibrations induced in vehicle during travel on off-road or cross-country terrains is random and unpredictable, there is a concern to analyse the vibration response of chassis and chassis mounted structures is needed. Present work deals with vibration measurement and spectral analysis of a chassis mounted structure designed for off-road and commercial transport vehicles. The road profile on which the vibration measurement has been carried out includes paved road and cross-country terrain segments. The vibration measurement has been carried at three different vehicle speeds. Signal analysis procedure for the acquired test data is discussed. The chassis mounted structure under concern is intended to hold two shelters or containers. From the vibration measurement at critical locations, g-(RMS) and g-(peak) values for paved and cross-country roads have been found out. Power spectral density values have also been found on chassis and structure for the same transport situations. Major inferences include the evaluation of minimum and maximum g-values (peak and RMS) on chassis and chassis mounted structure. Power spectral density graphs are constructed from which the dominant frequency for both road profiles is found out.

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