Experimental Investigation of Al-Mg-SiC-Fly Ash Composites for Automotive Alloy Wheel Rims

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Chintala Sai Virinchy
V. Jayakumar
Abdul Hafeez Asif
R. Pugazhenthi


The conservation of resources is the biggest concern for the past half century. The mankind is heading towards the betterment of living with a key intention to obtain pertaining results with less effort. One such field which has been an extensive outreach for research and innovation is the composite materials. This study focuses on design and development of a new composition of materials which has enhanced mechanical properties than the existing materials. This study is about combining four materials namely aluminium, magnesium, SiC and fly ash in various proportions and to test the obtained specimens. The test specimens are fabricated with aluminium as the metal matrix and other materials (Mg, SiC and fly ash) as reinforcements. Three different combinations are designed by keeping the fly ash, silicon carbide at constant percentage and varying the contents of aluminium and magnesium. The results of the tests are promising and the proposed composition can be a potential reliable replacement material for existing alloy wheels.

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