An Overview of Performance Enhancement of Solar Assisted TEG using Phase Change Materials

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Princy Mishra
Vikrant Mishra
O.P. Singh
A.K. Katiyar


At present, it is an important issue to produce electricity without pollution and safely due to environmental concerns. The solar thermoelectric generator (STEG) provides a solution to this objective of producing electricity without pollution. STEG are used to employ the solar energy and to transform it into the form of electrical energy according to Seebeck effect. However, the conversion efficiency of the existing STEG is very less and the operation of STEG is not very stable due to fluctuations in availability of solar energy. In the recent time, many researchers have worked on the augmentation of the performance of STEG. Application of phase change materials (PCMs) is one of those methods in which PCMs can work as a heat source and heat sink as per the need of the system. Also, these materials can help in making system more feasible by increasing energy concentration rate at the hot side of the thermoelectric modules. This paper presents an analytical review of the applications of phase change materials in case of solar assisted thermoelectric generators.

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