Automatic Air Inflation System and GPS Crash Detection System

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S. Mathavan
Ahamed Sharief
P. Dilashji
V. Hariram
B. Rupesh


Improper maintenance and negligence, the tyres will affect the handling quality of the vehicle, performance of the vehicle and fuel efficiency and sometimes it may even lead to an accident. Hence, this project is to provide a system, which monitors the tyre pressure regularly along with real-time graphs and also this system is capable of self-inflating the tyres. In order to prevent human loss at the time of an accident in remote areas, a GPS crash detection system is also included separately. These systems are connected via the Internet of Things (IoT) using Arduino UNO and node MCU ESP 8266. The microprocessors have pre-set data fed into the system to continuously monitor the air pressure of the tyre as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. The mechanism will automatically inflate the tyres to the prescribed limit if there is any pressure loss in the system.

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